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Free Download Google Chrome

Jumat, 26 Maret 2010 ·
Google Chrome Google Chrome, web browser Google.Inc made famous as a lightweight web browser. Google Chrome is made by utilizing WebKit, which is a rendering engine that previously had first used by the Apple web browser, Safari. with this technology, Google Chrome could be possible to open a web page more quickly, but still light.

With the minimalist design, adding the impression if Google Chrome is a lightweight web browser for use. but even so, the web browser remains attractive, and has many features that are frequently used by users.

In this version, Google Chrome provides several new features and improvements to security issues. several new features is the "strict Transport Security" and "XSS Auditor".

If you want to try this browser, please download for free on this weblog. by clicking the download below.


2 komentar:

Ratasoe mengatakan...
26 Maret 2010 pukul 07.04  

Nice post, sayangx hp aq g suport..btw thanks bwt infox salam..

Rock mengatakan...
26 Maret 2010 pukul 12.34  

Waduhhh... bahasanya koq kayak gini ya...

Aku cari kamus dulu kawand... hahaha...

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